
Polo d'Innovation Genomics, Genetics and Biology SCARL (GGB)

Start-up company founded in Perugia December 22, 2010 with the support of the Umbria Region

The Pole of Innovation GGB is a combination of businesses, innovative start-ups, small, medium and large companies and research organizations in the medical-diagnostic, chemical-pharmaceutical and agribusiness to stimulate innovative activity by promoting intensive interactions, the 'shared use of facilities and contributing to sharing and networking of knowledge and technology.

The Pole of Innovation GGB is, in the Umbria region, a center of technological excellence both nationally and internationally aimed at consolidating an operational structure capable of providing:

    high value-added services,
    infrastructures for innovation and research,
    technical cooperation and networking platforms for the development of projects in the field of genetics, genomics, biology, microbiology and human diagnostics, food and environment

founding members are:

    3 small companies (Dia.Metra, Analysis, Farthan)
    2 medium-sized enterprises (Angelantoni S.p.A. and Molini Spigadoro)
    4 university spin-off (NPP, VIS4, ICT4Life and MtM)
    2 research centers (Center for Functional Genomics at the University of Perugia and ISRIM: Higher Institute of Research and Training in Special Materials for Advanced Technologies).